About Me

👩🏼‍💻 Welcome to my blog!

I am Tihomira.

I have been a CRA since 2019.

I have created this blog, as I wanted to share my experience and insights form within the pharma industry and help others on their way to their “dream job”.

The CRA Wizard, is dedicated to all aspiring clinical researchers.

Here, I share my personal experiences within the clinical research field. Whether you’re looking to break into the industry or simply want to follow my journey, you’ll find valuable tips and stories.

If you are curious about the clinical research community in Bulgaria - check out the group Clinical Research Bulgaria on Linkedin.

Stay tuned for updates and sign up for my newsletter. ✌️

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You could reach me on LinkedIn or X or FB.

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This is my blog. I write about clinical trials and stuff. 🧙‍♂️💊


Writing about clinical trials and stuff.